Hi All,

Recently, I been exploring a brand, I Love Ugly.
Their zespy pants is either a hate or love affair. I bought their zespy pants camo for exploring.
But I decide to start the blog for the patch denim blue first.
I am so glad that there is a 2% spandex material in this denim. As it is drop crotch, it is super difficult to walk without the spandex to allow room for stretch.

The drop crotch design makes the design look nonchalant, care free. Though it is patches, the material does not thicken in any way. I won't say it the most comfortable jeans I wore, but it is certainly one that makes me feel confident. Of what? Who knows, who cares?

As now you must have notice, there is no zipper! So, it makes the toilet time slightly difficult to handle. I am not sure why, since this is not a jogger. Plus, the waist band is elastic material and it does makes me worry that long usage might loosen the elascity, but i guess it won't happen anytime soon. The waist band is about 2 inch thick.

I actually like the zipper at the leg opening to be closed up to get that narrow leg opening look. It provider something which none other joggers pants provide, the customization of type of look you want.
Since the zipper allow you to zip to whatever length you like, therefore, you can wear boots if you want, and flip the leg opening over the boots. or you can wear a low cut shoes and just zip up all the way to have that super tapered look.
The lower calf will not feel any discomfort despite the tight setting.
Been experimenting with different t shirts. i like the long line with this pants. it just add more to the nonchalant look. i like it with checkered shirt too, but.. too much sunshine.
anyway, if you wanna see this pants with any kind of shirts, shoes etc. just leave a comment in the box and i will do it.

And yep, my cutie pie is all over the photos with me to make sure i don't messed up. She is Miss Toffee :)